Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Primary Research Group Survey on Library Digitization Practices

Primary Research Group is organizing a survey of special collection digitization efforts by museums and libraries:
"We invite you to participate in our survey by filling out the survey form in exchange for a free pdf copy of the report when it is published. Your institution will be listed as a contributor but all the information that you provide is absolutely confidential; all data is amalgamated in a statistical package; no data is presented for individual institutions. The report will enable your library or museum to compare its technology, and management practices with those of similar institutions in the USA, Canada, the UK, Europe, Japan, Australia/NZ and the developing world. This survey is open to the libraries and museums of all nations."
Earlier Library Boy posts about Primary Research Group survey reports include:
  • Primary Research Group Report on Library Database Licensing Practices (January 15, 2011): "The 115-page report looks closely at how nearly 100 academic, special and public libraries in the United States, the UK, continental Europe, Canada, and Australia plan their database licensing practices. The report also covers the impact of digital repositories and open access publishing on database licensing. Among the many issues covered: database licensing volume, use of consortiums, consortium development plans, satisfaction levels with the coverage of podcasts, video, listservs, blogs and wikis in full text databases, spending levels on various types of content such as electronic journals, article databases and directories perceptions of price increases for various types of subject matter, legal disputes between publishers and libraries, contract language, impact of mobile computing and other issues."
  • Law Library Benchmarks 2012-13 (April 23, 2012): "This report closely examines trends for law libraries in materials spending, technology purchases, personnel and space allocation, web use and other issues. The study presents detailed data on spending on journals, books,newspapers and magazines, print reporter, eBooks, online databases and other information vehicles, as well as data on salaries and overall budget, in aggregate, and as a percentage change from prior years.  Data presented on the extent of materials spending accounted for by print resources and plans for both print resource and digital resource spending for the future."

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 6:25 pm


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