Saturday, May 30, 2015

Canadian Library Association e-Books Task Force Report and Recommendations

Last fall, the Canadian Library Association (CLA) established an e-Book Task Force with membership representing a broad range of sectors and geographic regions, including public libraries, academic libraries, consortia, and publishers.

Its terms of reference were to:
  1. Identify, collect, analyse and share information on what is currently being done with respect to e-books, as defined by the task force;
  2. Develop recommendations on which existing overarching principles could be adopted by CLA as well as recommend which overarching principles that CLA could/should be develop;
  3. Identify and recommend potential advocacy roles and strategies related to the above and to the e-book issues that face the library and information community.
The Task Force has published its recommendations which were approved by Executive Council in March 2015 and endorsed by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) in May 2015:

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 2:22 pm


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